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How to add the image logo to your blogspot blog

How to add the image logo to your blogspot blog

You are here: Home / Tutorials / Blogging / How to add the image logo to your blogspot blog

A logo is a symbol, sign or emblem that represent ones services, products or activities. Normally, logos are created for making it easy for customers or any people to identify and differentiate from one organization, product or service to another.

Most of the professionally designed websites and blogs have logos that make it easy for users or visitor recognize and differentiate one website or blog to the others.

The above descriptions were just introduction to the main topic of this article. If you want to lean more about what a logo is, feel free to visit our what is a logo? article.

Let's focus on our topic. As the title of this post implies, today I will really show you how to add a logo to your blog. Adding a logo to your blog is one of the major strategies that contribute to the well personalized look and feel of blogs. Besides, your visitors will be able to remember your blog easily whenever and wherever they see your logo.

The techniques I've included in this post will make you capable of inserting an image logo that will appear throughout your blog (to all of your posts). I know that you can use a blog title as a logo of your blog by enhancing it with font faces that will make it stand out. Keep in your mind that those beautiful fonts might be not installed in some of your visitors' computer systems. But the image logo will be displayed correctly in any device.

Follow these steps.

  1. Create your logo

    Before getting started with the uploading process, you will have to spend some enough time preparing or designing your image or graphic that you want it to be a logo for your blog. Plan how your logo will look like and then launch your favorite graphics editing software program.

    There are many graphics editing or designing application software including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, MS-Publisher, Corel Draw, paint (available in computers using windows operating systems), etc. If you find it difficult designing your logo you may see an experienced graphics designer who will help you. When you've prepared your logo, go to the next step below.

  2. Log into your blogger account and select your blog

  3. Click on the 'Layout tab'

    Keep your mind that the Layout screen let's us add or remove or rearrange the widgets and gadgets i our templates. The same operations can be done through the HTML template editor, that can be complicated to you if you don't have enough coding experience/skills. After clicking on the layout tab, you will be able to see the screen with options similar to the one you see on the screen shot below:

  4. Click on the 'Edit' link

    Within your blog title gadget, have a glance to the right where there is a text link labelled as Edit Click on this link so that we proceed with our process. You will see the following window.

  5. Upload your image

    Note Blog Title, Blog Description and Image fields. Within the Image field, there are two radio buttons that allow you to select the location of your image. If it's already on the web or Internet and you know its URL, you'll have to click on the From the web radio button and paste or type on the url of your image. But if not, you will click on from your computer and click on Choose file. Navigate to the directory where you saved your image to > select it and click Open. You will be taken back to the Configure header window.

  6. Specify the placement of your logo

    There are three options that will allow you specify how you want to place your logo including: Behind title and description, Instead of title and description, Have description placed after the image. Select one of the three options by simply clicking on its radio.

  7. Click 'Save'

  8. Click on the 'Save Arrangement' button at the top of the screen

    Now you have a blog that has what we call a logo. To see how it looks, view any one of the your posts. If your logo does not display, try refreshing your web page. You must now see your logo. That's great. The next time you want to change your logo, you will have to use the same procedures.

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