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How to disable the Share This Buttons in your blogger blog

How to disable the Share This Buttons in your blogger blog

You are here: Home / Tutorials / Blogging / How to disable the Share This Buttons in your blogger blog

The Share This buttons help your visitors share your content whether in Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, E-mail, etc depending on the users preferences. For example if a user has a Facebook account/profile, he/she will be able to share your content to his/her Facebook friends by simply clicking on the Facebook Share button.

Every blog hosted on blogger platform must have the default sharing buttons. Depending on the Template was selected while creating a blog, the Share buttons layout will vary from one blog to another, which means they may appear at the bottom of each post (this is common in most blogs). In some templates the share buttons might be located to the left or right side bar in the blog post.

Some bloggers who prefer the personalized and professional looking or appearances of their blogs, customize these share buttons in a variety ways. That's why you can wonder when you visit a blog with big share buttons and located on the different areas on the posts.

Fortunately, blogger.com allows bloggers to customize these buttons the way they like, and even disabling them which means they won't appear on the posts. If you want to disable the share buttons on your blog, follow the simple tips below:

1. Sign in into blogger

2. Select your blog

3. Click on the 'Layout' Tab

4. Click on the 'Edit' link located to the bottom of the post body widget as shown below

5. Remove the check Mark on 'Show share button' check box

If there is a check mark in this Check box, remove it by clicking inside the check box. On the screen shot below we removed the check box as you can see:

6. Click 'Save'

Click on the Save button located to the bottom of the window.

7. Click 'Save Arrangement'

To make your changes effective to your blog, click on the Save arrangement button located to the top right corner of the screen. Now refresh any one of your posts to see if what you have done is working or not. I am sure you don't see them now. If you want to re-enable them in the future, you will follow the same steps and place a check mark in the Show Share Buttons check mark.

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