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How to change the Background color of the Blogger NavBar on your blog

How to change the Background color of the Blogger NavBar on your blog

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The Blogger NavBar is a bar that appears at the top of the blogspot blogs' pages by default. Depending on the blogger's interests, some bloggers decide to customize this feature in different ways or get rid of it permanently from their blogs.

This tutorial post will show you how to change the background color of the Blogger Navbar on your blog. There are six default colour settings you can select and apply on your Navbar including, Blue, Tan, Silver, Black, Transparent light and Transparent dark.

If you want different color instead of the pre-set ones, you can do it by using Css Code. Lets begin with changing the background by using the default color, and later on we will see how we can apply any color by using Css code.


Log in to your blogger account > Select your blog > Click on the Layout tab located to the right of the screen. You will see the following layout screen.


Click on Edit located within the Navbar gadget section.


Click on any of the six radio/circle buttons labeled in color name, such as blue, tan, etc.


Click on the orange button labeled as Save to save your changes. Click on the Preview button located at the top of the layout screen. Look/view how your NavBar has changed to. If you're not satisfied with the new look, you can go back to again to the NavBar configuration tool by clicking on the Edit link as you did before but if the current color is attracts you, head to the last step below.


Click on Save arrangement button located at the top of the layout interface. Now you have successfully customized the background of your blog's NavBar.

Changing NavBar's background color by using Css code.

If the six default NavBar background colors do not comply with your interests, i.e. you want the background to look like that of the header section or any part of your blog, you can do it by using Css code. The tricks as simpler than you thought they were. Follow the simple steps below.


Log in to your blogger account > Select your blog > Click on the Template tab located to the left of the screen.


Click on Customize


Click on Advanced on the right menu


Scroll downwards, and then select Add CSS. You will see a text box. Type the following CSS code into that box.



Change darkred to any color name that you think will fit on your Template's design. You can replace darkred with many colors such as red, green, pink, purple, yellow, etc. If you know HTML color codes you can change darkred to that code. For instance, if you wanted a black background color simply delete darkred and type #000 or #000000.


Click on Apply to blog to make your changes effective. That's how you can change your blog's Navbar background. Use the same tricks in the future when you want to perform some changes.

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