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What is the Home page? | Internet basics

What is the Home page?

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A home page is a main or first page of a website serving as a table of contents and displaying links for other pages associated with that particular site. Normally, a home page shows the recent updates of a website’s content.

A home page is sometimes known as a Front Page or Index Page. Most of the websites have the link on their site’s navigation bar normally labeled as Home or something similar. The website’s navigation bar can be at the Top, Bottom, Left or Right-hand side of the page. When you are viewing one of the website’s pages, let’s say a contact page, clicking the Home button will take you to the main page (home page) of that particular website. This button makes users go to the site’s main page easily and intuitively than hitting/pressing the browser’s back button several times or frequently typing the home page’s URL.

A page that appears every time you launch your Web browser is also referred to as a Home page, but to differentiate it to the website’s home page we call it a browser home page. Confusing?

In case of a browser home page, a user can specify any page from any site to be his or her default browser start-up page. This will be displayed every time he or she starts the browser. There are some websites offering users with an opportunity to set their websites as home pages. If you set a certain web page as your browser home page it will be your initial page you will see when you start your browser or click the Home button on your browser’s command bar.

When you click on the Home button on your browser’s Toolbar, you will be taken to the page you set as your browser’s main page from the page you were currently viewing.


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