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Easy steps for deleting a blog post in blogger.com

Easy steps for deleting a blog post in blogger.com

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Thank you very much for visiting this post and my blog in general. This post will teach you how to delete a blog post in blogger.com when you need to perform that task. It may seem of no importance to a blogger with high experience, but if you are a beginner and you didn't know how to delete your blog's web page, you will find this tutorial valuable. Take the easy-to-follow steps below, to get familiar with posts deletion processes

However, there are two methods that can help you delete your blog posts as listed below:

1. Deleting a single or an individual post

To get started you have to log in into your blogger account as normally as you always log in and navigate to your posts dashboard. Make sure your posts are displayed as shown on an image below:

Hover your mouse pointer on a post you want to delete. Click on the Delete link displayed below your post's name as shown below:

Note that when we hovered on the first post's title, the words: Edit, View, Share and Delete were displayed as links. After clicking Delete link, you will see a pop-up message box, asking you if you're really want to delete your post as shown below:

Simply click on the Ok button to confirm your deletion process and your post won't appear again on your posts' list.

2. Deleting multiple posts

If you want to delete many posts at once, simply log in into your blogger account > go to your posts > select your posts by clicking the Check box located to the left-hand side of each post as shown below:

Click on the Delete selected posts button located to the right-hand side of the Revert to draft button

Click ok to confirm deleting the selected posts

Be careful while deleting your pages as carelessness may cause you delete the ones you don't want to delete. Also, deleting a post in Blogger will delete your content permanently from the web! It may continue to be included and displayed on the web search results, but when a user wants to view the web page, the error page will be displayed.

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