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Desktop background and Screen saver

Desktop background and Screen saver

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You can customize the computer screen into various appearances and functionalities including changing the desktop background, screen saver setting the screen resolution etc.

The desktop background is the picture or color a user can specify for displaying on the screen. The desktop background (sometimes known as Wallpaper) decorates the computer screen in the way that makes us admire its appearance. There are default backgrounds (pre-defined images) that we can choose for changing our existing desktops’ wallpapers. Also, we are given an option to select our own images to be used as desktop backgrounds.

How to change the desktop background

  1. Click start button to display the start menu (make sure your PC is switched on)
  2. Select Control Panel
  3. Choose Appearance and Themes
  4. Select Change the desktop background (you will see the display properties dialog box and make sure the Desktop Tab is selected). Below the tabs is the screen preview that will show you how the PC screen will look like whenever you select the specific background.
    Look at the following screen shot of the display properties dialog box: The Display Properties dialog box

    This is the display Properties dialog box

  5. Select any background from the list, then click Ok or Apply button, you’re done!

How to use other images as desktop wallpapers instead of the predefined ones:

  1. Follow the procedures I explained before to displaying the Display properties dialog box
  2. Click on the browse button to the right side of the backgrounds list
  3. Navigate to the directories where you saw or saved the picture or image
  4. Select it, and then click on the Open button to the right bottom of the Browse dialog box. You will be taken back to the display properties dialog box, and you will see an image you selected on the preview area.
  5. Click Ok.

How to change the Screen saver

  1. Click start button to display the start menu (make sure your PC is switched on)
  2. Select Control Panel
  3. Choose Appearance and Themes
  4.  Select Screen Saver (make sure the screen saver tab is selected)
    Look at the following screen shot of the display properties dialog box: The Display Properties dialog box

    This is the display Properties dialog box

  5. Click on the dropdown arrow located below the Screen saver label
  6. Select any screen saver from the list
  7. Set the time to wait before the screen saver appears
  8. Click Ok or Apply to confirm your settings. Now you have finished setting the screen saver.

Related Topics:

How to change the desktop background or wallpaper in windows 7
